The Delta Gamma Foundation is a 501(c)3 founded in 1951 as a compliment to the Delta Gamma Fraternity. The Foundation fosters lifetime enrichment for members of Delta Gamma, promotes its philanthropy Service for Sight and partners with the Fraternity to ensure the future of its sisterhood. Delta Gamma’s dedicated members and friends make this mission possible through generous gifts to the Foundation that fund the three key areas of support: Individual Member Support, Training and Programming, and Service for Sight. 
As one of the Individual Member Support initiatives, Sisters Helping Sisters: Need-Based Scholarships are awarded to Delta Gamma collegians with proven financial-need. Since the inception of the program in 2005, 1,500 undergraduate students have received $2,500 need-based scholarships making the total amount granted 3.75 M dollars! To learn more about the Delta Gamma Foundation and Sisters Helping Sisters, go to